~ 7/28/06
    thanks to my many friends!! luv, sage
~ 7/21/06
WARSAW FOR SAWTOOTH if i wasn't in memphis, i'd be there. luv, tq The Desert Sun July 21, 2006 Events to benefit Sawtooth Fire victims: A benefit concert featuring the Warsaw Poland Bros. will take place tonight at Pappy and Harriets in Pioneertown. Tickets $10, $5 if you bring a friend. 9 p.m., Pappy and Harriets, 53-688 Pioneertown Road, Pioneertown. Information: 365-5956 or pappyandharriets.com. A large portion of the proceeds will go to the Morongo Basin Red Cross. Tomorrow, there will be a Sawtooth Fire Victims Benefit Breakfast sponsored by Morongo Basin United Way. Tickets are $6 and additional donations will be accepted. It will take place from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m., Helen Gray Center, 6601 White Feather Road, Joshua Tree. Information: 228-2716. All proceeds go to fire victims; there are no administrative costs. On July 28, a dinner will be held to benefit Sawtooth fire victims. It will include entertainment and dancing, barbecued chicken, pork and chili, beer and cocktails. Music by Matchless with Buddy Mercer plus DJ Michael Wright. At 6 p.m. at Red 74, 72-990 El Paseo, Palm Desert. $15 at the door. Dinner reservations, 568-6774 All proceeds go to Morongo Basin Red Cross, Sawtooth Fire Fund.
~ 7/19/06
MEMPHIS...      photos by monet
~ 7/17/06
ALMOST ONE...  ..............................................."already one, our little son, won't let us forget..." neil young  ....................................................SAGE IN MEMPHIS!!!
 ...you are loved you are loved you are really really really loved...  ...rain of love...  Sawtooth Fire The Desert Sun CROWD WELCOMES BACK PAPPY'S By Richard Guzmān The Desert Sun Regulars greeted each other with tight hugs, exchanging stories of how they survived the Sawtooth Complex Fire as the The Thrift Store All-Stars tuned their instruments. It was Sunday evening at Pappy & Harriet's, the famed honky-tonk where the band has its regular gig every week. But it was not a regular night. "Thank God this place is still standing," lead singer Travis Cline told the crowd of about 80 people who erupted into applause at what most could only describe as a miracle. With walls of flames at its back doors Tuesday, and Pioneertown evacuated, the saloon survived with just a few smoldered logs and a melted fire extinguisher in damage. Sunday's grand re-opening was a night not many expected to see. "I think the spirit of Pappy's was with us," said Linda Krantz, co-owner of the saloon. "All we could see was just this huge black smoke just coming down Pioneertown Road ... We're very grateful, we're very, very lucky we're still here," she said, fighting back tears. Krantz and co-owner Robyn Celia stayed until the very last minute Tuesday. As the flames approached and fire personnel banged on the door, the pair grabbed what they could: computer records, files, sound equipment. Everything else would likely burn, they thought. Pictures on the walls of musicians who've passed through the saloon, the stage where Eric Burdon, Camper Van Beethoven, Gram Rabbit and Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin have performed - all would be reduced to ashes, they thought. "I was driving down the road with my head just down ... How do you rebuild this place? Look at it, you can't rebuild the history here," Celia said. Credit the firefighters, a changing gust of wind, luck or even Pappy himself. But the saloon, built in 1946 as a place to make cowboy movies, survived. "It's a celebration today. This place is our home. I cried from joy when I heard it was saved," said Ted Quinn, a Joshua Tree musician and Pappy's regular. "This place is the soul of the high desert community," said Victoria Williams, a musician and member of the Thrift Store All-Stars. "It's amazing it didn't burn down," she said just before going onstage. A crowd of young families with their kids, musicians, hippies and rockers mixed effortlessly Sunday. It's what the place is known for - attracting music fans of all kinds. "It would have been a dagger in our hearts (if it burned)," said Jane Allingham, singer for the Honky Tonk Train and a regular at Pappy & Harriet's. "It would have left a hole you just couldn't fill," she said. Photo: Luis Ochoa, The Desert Sun The Thrift Store All-Stars play a set Sunday evening at Pappy & Harriet's in Pioneertown. Copyright (c) The Desert Sun. All rights reserved. Reproduced with the permission of Gannett Co., Inc. by NewsBank, inc.
~ 7/16/06
 THE WORD FROM PAPPY & HARRIET'S: Greetings!!! As most of you already know, the people of The Hi Desert have been through a raging wild fire. From what I've heard, Pioneertown suffered the most damage. Having said that, Pioneertown doesn't look as bad as you may think it does. The Firefighters did an amazing job saving peoples homes. Almost every home is surrounded by blackness, right up to the front doors!! I believe some homeowners stayed behind and saved their own...Pioneertown Style. There has been an unbelievable outpouring of love from everyone all over the country and it has been greatly appreciated! For the people that lost their homes we would love to get some kind of fund raiser going soon. Pioneertown needs some time to breathe and regroup. I am sure in the next few months benefits will be coming up. Pappy & Harriet's got through the fire with literally zero damage. Being there during the fire, I assumed the whole town would be burned to the ground. It's a miracle that it didn't. I won't go into details. Enclosed is a photo taken by the Desert Sun minutes before we were evacuated. I think it speaks for itself!! We are sorry for all that's been lost and thankful for all that's been saved. Today is Sunday, July 16th. Pioneertown Road is open to the public. Pappy & Harriet's is open for business. Our beloved Thrift Store All Stars will be taking the stage sometime in the late afternoon, early evening.!!! We lost all of our food when the power went out, but we have a full bar, cold beer, hamburgers and hot dogs! True Pappy & Harriet's style. Thanks to everyone for having us in their thoughts & prayers. xoxoxoxoxo www.pappyandharriets.com  the liquid silver in this photo is the remains of tom wilkes airstream trailer. his cabin & all the incredible artwork he has created - and most importantly, his memoirs - were spared!
~ 7/15/06
i really love you and i mean you, the star above you, crystal blue...  SYD WAS THE SANE ONE. ok, maybe not by any popular definition of sanity. but hear me out. he did one album and wrote a couple of songs for the second pink floyd album, did two solo albums and then disappeared completely. he spent the next four decades at his mother's house, boarded windows blocking out the curious. he tended garden and lost his hair and developed a paunch. no one could convince him to make a comeback. syd did not belong to the group ego. he didn't go on to make 'dark side of the moon' and 'the wall' and millions of dollars. his bandmates did and spent the next thirty five years arguing or not speaking to eachother at all. syd did not belong to the group. our culture wants us to belong to the group. to be held up as icons, to be judged, to be leaders and heroes and villains. we want to see people rise and fall. nice and tidy. good cops and bad cops. as long as we can be defined within the terms of the society in which we live, we're ok, loved or hated, as if the greatest sin is to be forgotten. syd did not belong. success and immortality are the only things valued by the group ego. live to be 100. go down in history. beat death. scared of living now, we want to live forever. be seen. be heard. be looked up to. what if our lives are perfectly valid to begin with and don't require any furthur validation? we wouldn't need religions or nations or cliques or clubs or - dare i say - myspace. i'm talking about a total breakdown of structure. unable or unwilling to completely live apart from society, not yet brave enough to sit in a windowless room and tend to my mother's garden, i have an email address: tedquinn@nomadhouse.com and the website www.nomadhouse.com by u.s. mail i can be reached at p.o. box 912 joshua tre, CA 92252 and i still have my phone. if you don't have my number, shoot me an email and i'll send it to you. i'm here contemplating syd, thinking about walden. i really love you and i mean you, the star above you, crystal blue...
~ 7/4/06
sent by a friend from another lifetime, todd baron
HOPI FORTH!!! negra & i just got back from a walk in the desert.this holiday always makes me a little bit sad, so much focus on SALES and plastic flags and BUSH giving the soldiers a little (belittling?) pep talk...on our walk i was thinking about a story i read today regarding Dr. Lovelock, the scientist who came up with the GAIA principle thirty years ago...he says we are DOOMED...that the planet will heal herself but not in time for human beings to survive...i think of my sweet baby sage and i want him to see the world, nature, repaired and not just a place filled with WAR...as negra & i walked , i saw evidence that MAN HAS BEEN HERE...piles of garbage littering the otherwise pristine desert landscape...i think of my neighbor, the land-scraper, with his bulldozers and his tractors...AND THEN, i saw something i've never seen before...a giant hawk, with earth brown feathers and wings spanning a good four or five feet (was it an eagle, carol ann??) swoops down almost to the ground...i almost couldn't believe it was right there at eye level...it disappeared for a moment, then as if to prove that what i'd seen wasn't a hallucination, it appeared again..this time, it's flapping WINGS creating a sound something LIKE A FLAG blowing in the wind....  july 4, 2006 greetings fellow citizens of the world- while i had planned to release the new album - 'folk in america' - today, i am not quite ready to do so...the songs are all recorded but i still need to master it. also, i haven't decided whether to put it up as a free download and ask for some kind of donation (i have a baby to feed, as well as a dog and cat!!)...any thoughts are welcome... instead, i offer this song from my "help wanted" album, called "billions & billions." i wrote it five years ago last night, when bush had just become 'president,' and before the attacks of 9/11. it's bob forrest's favorite of my songs. listen here: 07%20Billions%20%26%20Billions%201.mp3rather than post the lyrics, which are easy enough to decipher, i included an article which was published shortly after the assasination of chief sitting bull, one of the greatest american leaders in our history, which was provided to me by my friend joanne, a lakota sundancer and the facilitator of my inipi. i am an american dreamer. i dream of the america martin luther king envisioned. peace, tq  The following quotes were printed in "The Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer," a weekly newspaper published in Aberdeen, South Dakota. The first was published immediately after Sitting Bull's assassination by Indian Police Dec. 15, 1890. "Sitting Bull, most renowned Sioux of modern history, is dead. He was an Indian with a white man's spirit of hatred and revenge for those who had wronged him and his. In his day he saw his son and his tribe gradually driven from their possessions: forced to give up their old hunting grounds and espouse the hard working and uncongenial avocations of the whites. And these, his conquerors, were marked in their dealings with his people by selfishness, falsehood and treachery. What wonder that his wild nature, untamed by years of subjection, should still revolt? What wonder that a fiery rage still burned within his breast and that he should seek every opportunity of obtaining vengeance upon his natural enemies. "The proud spirit of the original owners of these vast prairies inherited through centuries of fierce and bloody wars for their possession, lingered last in the bosom of Sitting Bull. With his fall the nobility of the Redskin is extinguished, and what few are left are a pack of whining curs who lick the hand that smites them. The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced; better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. History would forget these latter despicable beings, and speak, in later ages of the glory of these grand Kings of forest and plain that Cooper loved to heroism. "We cannot honestly regret their extermination, but we at least do justice to the manly characteristics possessed, according to their lights and education, by the early Redskins of America."  The editorial is ambivalent at first, but concludes by calling for the extermination of American Indians. The editor and publisher of "The Aberdeen Pioneer" who advocated genocide is well known: L. Frank Baum. Only a decade after the massacre at Wounded Knee, Baum's book "The Wizard of Oz" (1900) would become an American classic. (Research and Design Courtesy, CherokeeScot)