~ 8/29/05
SAGE'S DUE DATE WAS TODAY AUGUST 29TH. INSTEAD, HE DECIDED TO ARRIVE ONE MONTH AGO TODAY, ON JULY 29TH. some people say, "oh, he's a preemie," or that he "arrived early.." i have told him since day one, that his instincts were perfect and that he was exactly on time, and to always listen to his instincts...TODAY, his momet and i took him to WAT SANTI thai buddhist temple in landers for boddhisatva day celebration. after the offering, chanting and communal (amazing) feast, the elder monk - they're forest monks, we really liked one named woody, who had a great big smile - offered a special chant and splashing of holy water on sage, momet and me. it was a very humble and honest moment. by arriving when he did, sage got the hospital stuff out of the way in time to be at sagefest. earlier today (sunday), on the day before he was 'expected', he was receiving dharma blessings... excellent timing, son. tonight i got to do a four hour show in honor of the great inventor robert moog. i played all music made possible by his moog synthesizer. from wendy (formerly walter) carlos (her switched-on-bach & clockwork orange stuff). emerson, lake & palmer (fanfare for the common man, karn evil 9, lucky man, from the beginning) , jean michael jarre (popcorn), terry riley, beach boys (pet sounds), the dark shadows theme, as well as themes from peter gunn (elp) & star trek (todd rundgren & utopia), bowie (man who sold the world, we are the dead), larry fast synergy (classical gas), beatles (because, blue jay way), yes (all good people/your move), parliament (flashlight), outkast (w/george clinton), beck, gary numan (cars), devo, some theremin stuff (moog built them with hs dad as a kid before inventing his synthesizer) featuring klara rockmore. (see the movie : "theremin") i was joined by my friend piano bob fenger, who brought his arp (which , he explained, copied its design from moog) and some choice cuts..we played over 50 pieces of music, ending with buchla and moog themselves, each on his own synth. could have easily played another three hours of great synth music, including, as kevin stetz pointed out, the rentals and other emo bands of the late 90's. three artists in town from australia, currently in residence at 18th street arts complex in santa monica enjoyed the whole evening...i traded my cd for a piece of original art made right on the spot by one, jon tarry, which now hangs in the area i occupy at the beatnik, next to bob dylan, mahatma gandhi and sage. robert moog, i said many times in recent days as i listened to all this great music, was the leo fender of the avant garde. his invention is as important as the electric guitar was, for its time. i never got around to playing any telekin or enfants terribles, my early 80s bands where my sister debra played bass on a mini moog (karl precoda did briefly before he joined dream syndicate). the cd's i have are not in good shape and i haven't had time to get into my computer to retrieve the songs in there. most of our tapes are in san francisco with my old friend donald kaiser. we talked about putting it all some day. seems like a good time to do it now. speaking of which, i hope to start recording a new album with the tree very soon. "dog years" is ready for release but may become another "lost" album for a while... a very nice man approached me at big lots today and thanked me for doing the david crosby song "what are their names?" at the sagefest last weekend. seems he felt it was timely. i told him that "if only i could remember my name" is my favorite of all crosby, stills and nash-related albums (not necessarily including neil young albums) (close second would probably be stephen stills "manassas".) odd coincidence (desert daily double): i got an email from sam andrew (big brother & the holding company) with a great testimonial for the free press (www.losangelesfreepress.com, please sign up now!). i searched for and found a great shot of sam and janis joplin, one by elliot landy. i wrote to landy, for permission to use the shot. i left home right after that to go to the beatnik for my show (www.beatnikradio.com), radio free joshua tree...gary walked in with a 1968 saturday evening post, with dylan on the cover, a photo by elliot landy!!! landy wrote me back shortly after and i wrote him right back to tell him the unlikely story. the post that gary brought me had photos of dylan by a photographer i had just written to!! crazy, small, wonderful world... i saw the trailer, finally, for the movie about joshua tree (a nice story about it appeared in our local paper this week, thanks to sara munro at the hi desert star). i liked what i saw. very nice, although i would suggest using a line from "la porte, indiana" - "the only way to get something to eat was by feeding the person next to you.." which sort of sums up my experience in the desert and the feel of the whole film...maybe a few less secoonds on jesika's formidable body...small detail...i mean, we all like looking at jesika rabbit, but the shot was a little bit long for a trailer...(these are tiny , minor comments, not even complaints...the film is so generous towards me, it's not funny!) jane allingham (honky tonk train) and i tried to drop off about a dozen local artists cd's at the local radio station yesterday, but no-one is really there during the one hour a week they actually play local music... sage visited my house for the first time satrday (he's been at momet's since getting home from the hospital...) he seemed very at home here. i spoke with old friend kenny malloy, who turned 50 this week. his daughter chelsea (doll) is getting airplay on rodney's show (rodney on the roq), i called rodney and he gave me a great little quote for the freep...kenny once suggested a certain song for my first single but i didn't listen. looking back, he was right and rodney probably would have played it... thank you thank you thank you...monet says this to her milk before feeding sage: thank you, i love you, i respect you... that's the mother's milk he's getting. no wonder all the monks noticed how serene he is. love & gratitude.. (Buddhist Ceremony for the Public in Landers Wat Santi, the Thai Buddhist Temple on 60424 Reche Rd. in Landers, started in 2002 by Dr. Don-a retired Radiologist who became a monk and is now addressed as "Phra Don"-held the Annual Commemoration Day to pay respect to their guiding teacher, Phra Ajaan Suwat Suvaco, as well as to all Teachers in the Buddhist tradition. The 60 attendees were a combination of locals and out-of-town visitors as well as 5 monks visiting from Thailand, 3 from San Diego and one from Pioneertown-ten monks in all including Phra Don. The ceremony which was open to the public started at 5.30 AM with chanting and Meditation, followed by the traditional Alms Round where visitors participated in offering food to the monks. After a Blessing Ceremony, all were invited to share of the feast which was exotic indeed and as delicious as colorful! After this, the "money tree" was brought in: a tree whose leaves were covered with dollar bills, donations offered by the visitors to raise money for the extension of the meditation hall. The next opportunity to meet some of these monks will be September 11th , 4PM at the Candlelight Service in the Sanctuary at the Institute of MentalPhysics in Joshua Tree on the occasion of the inter-faith Community Prayer Service for World Peace. Meditation is freely offered daily at Wat Santi; for information call: 760-364-3244. [PHOTOS FOLLOWING SOON] -- Olivia de Haulleville, CCHT, CATS - Holistics Consultant IT'S TIME... http://home.earthlink.net/~solemate/)  momet, sage & olivia
~ 8/25/05
people let me tell you 'bout him / he's so much fun  whether we're talking man to man or if we're talking son to son -nilsson
~ 8/24/05
I READ THE NEWS TODAY OH BOY www.hidesertstar.com/articles/2005/08/24/features/feature1.txt
~ 8/23/05
here's looking at you, kid!!!  photo by judy wishart. today.
~ 8/21/05
TOTAL LIGHTNESS JUST BEFORE I WOKE UP THIS MORNING I HAD THIS DREAM: IT WAS LIKE A TRAILER FOR A FILM. big crowd scene where everyone was looking up. it reminded me of the richard bach book, ILLUSIONS for some reason, though not specifically. (maybe because of the small-town aviator-turned-avatar story - or the part about letting go and trusting the stream of existence to carry you where you need to go, then being seen as an avatar for doing what anyone could do if they let go and had the same trust...) JACK BLACK was some sort of avatar among really goofy-looking guys. he was someone they all looked up to because he could do magical things with his hands, such as form his two hands to look like a bird in flight, which seemed to propel him forward. they looked at him in awe. at one point he had them singing 'welcome to pee-wee's playhouse' (from the old tv show) in unison, as if it was a funny mantra, all dancing together. just before i woke up, he was surrounded by them all, leaving them with really fancy hands-in-flight, really animated-looking, super fast... he gave them this message to ponder: "KICK IT TO TOTAL LIGHTNESS WITH LOVE DOOR". what does that mean? that's when i woke up. came downstairs and , no shit, the front door was ajar. i must not have closed it all the way when i went to bed around 3:30 am, and there was light pouring in. \\last night i told carly that sage had come in through the same portal as her baby, maxman (and jenny q's baby, yasmin, as well, just days before sage), the same room (106. i think) in the birthing center at the high desert hospital - over on white feather road in joshua tree. she thought maybe that spot was a place where women went to give births (to shamans?) a long time ago... i also told her, because she knew sabu, that sage was conceived on the very spot where sabu spent his last night on earth, the place from which he gave me his 'parting shot' as i drifted to sleep upstairs///i always like to say that the place i was born, la porte indiana, translates to the 'indian door'...sunday morning thoughts for just waking up, from someone who rarely remembers his dreams. i had a funny thought as i was getting dressed in my car for the show last night, that my mom taught me some usefull skills, such as changing clothes in the car (from my catholic school uniform to something else for an inteview after school) and as i put on my eye make-up, i thought i've been sitting for make-up since i was a toddler...she also taught me how to sign an autograph, which has come in handy. my dad taught me to remember my lines by reading them with me as i was going to sleep...good skills for the line of work i'm in!! it's funny how long it has taken me to appreciate some of these things... roland ,besides doing a ton of work with no expectation of pay, carting in his gear, his drums, setting up all the mics, running the stage, gave me something for sage, a medicine bag with part of THE TREE from sundance ceremony, which he attends each year. (funny weird stretch of a coincidence: i also met a woman last night who knows my old friend caveh, whom she met at the OTHER sundance, the film festival one...) it also contained a hawk feather from his wand, cedar and sage - what else did he say? i need to call him for the full lowdown. just that it was obviously something VERY sacred... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- om namah shivaya om namah shivaya om namah shivaya om om namah shivaya om namah shivaya om namah shivaya om bom bom bolo bom bom bolo shiva hara shiva hara shiva shiva shiva shiva shambo hara hara hara shambo mahadeva shambo mahadeva shambo (x3) ------------------------------------ sri ram jai ram jai jai ram om sri ram jai ram jai jai ram om see god only god see god in everyone see god only god see god in every one
~ 8/19/05
...born innocent... of the fertile tree  the los angeles free press, nomadhouse, pappy & harriets, rock-it-man cd's and the sunrunner present the first annual sage festival saturday august 20, 2005 - 6pm - ??? in order of appearance: our host, shawn (‘mafia’) o’connor arjuna & friends mark zero langille shari elf all-star seamstress band tony mason band hippie al amritakripa wooden nickel ted quinn & tree honky tonk train brant bjork victoria williams & friends with special atmospherics provided by tribe zero $5 admission ted quinn cd's $10 includes admission $1 goes to the albert williams fund pappy & harriets pioneertown palace sign up for FREEP newsletter at www.losangelesfreepress.com support the arts for kids! join the high desert living arts center 760-369-5040
 morning report: sage has grown an inch and put on 5 ozees since his birth three weeks ago today!!! go sage baby!! MONET WAS SAYING THAT HER EYESIGHT HAS IMPROVED SINCE HAVING SAGE. IN FACT, SHE SAID THAT ALL OF HER SENSES SEEM HEIGHTENED. NOT SURPRISING IN A WAY, THAT A MOTHER HAS IMPROVED COGNITION ONCE THERE IS ANOTHER HUMAN LIFE DEPENDING ON HER FOR FOOD AND EVERYTHING ELSE. IT MAKES GOOD EVOLUTIONARY SENSE , RIGHT? SO THIS MORNING, I LOOK AT MY USUAL CUSTOMIZED NEWS.GOOGLE.COM AND THERE'S A STORY WHICH SEEMS TO BEGIN TO EXPLAIN THE PHENOMENON!! this, from The World's No.1 Science & Technology News Service Baby comes with brain repair kit for mum EVERYONE knows that kids get their brains, or lack of them, from their parents. But it now seems that the reverse is also true. Stray stem cells from a growing fetus can colonise the brains of mothers during pregnancy, at least in mice. If the finding is repeated in humans, the medical implications could be profound. Initial results suggest that the fetal cells are summoned to repair damage to the mother's brain. If this is confirmed, it could open up new, safer avenues of treatment for brain damage caused by strokes and Alzheimer's disease, for example. for the whole article: brain repair"i don't believe in kings" john lennon ALSO, OF INTEREST TO ARTISTS, MUSICIANS AND WRITERS WHO WONDER WHY THEIR WORK HASN'T BEEN EMBRACED YET: i heard story on NPR this morning which said that melville had sold only 3000 copies of moby dick at the time of his death. the book was panned and considered a big flop. even better, the king james bible, written to 'unite' catholics and protestants in england under one king was also a miserable failure in its time. people resented the king for removing the word 'tyrant' - replacing it with the word 'king,' a word which was not to be found in the more popular geneva bible. (in that version, the whole idea of a 'king' was antithetical to accepting christ as the king of the world. take that, 'king james' thumpers!) thanks to fred burke, who tells me that emily dickinson never published a poem in her lifetime, whenever i feel sorry for myself and that my work is unseen, while other rancho-affiliated bands such as the republican-party-boys, the eagles of death metal, get tons of attention. and i always add that if, in 1960, a poll was taken of the previous decades most important artists, hank williams would likely not have made the list. same is true of the seventies. nobody would have guessed that nick drake would be one of the few artists still being heard in 2005. art for art's sake...love for love's sake. TOMORROW IS SAGE FEST AT PAPPY & HARRIETS. TEN GREAT ARTISTS BEGINNING AT 6PM AS THE SUN GOES DOWN AND THE FULL MOON RISES..THE WEATHER IS FINE... $5 FOR THE CAUSE!!!
~ 8/18/05
august 17, 2005 dear teddy, tonight I met your son. tal and i went to monet’s. sage must have intuited that we were coming, because he waited up for us! i held that sweet tiny boy package in my arms. he seemed comfortable with me, and content. we looked at each other for a long time. he seemed to know my voice. then tal held him for awhile, so he got a view of the world from new heights! he seemed equally content there for a long time, all the while fighting sleep. it was clear he wanted to stay awake and visit with more of his new family. finally, he crinkled up his face , went to mom and fell asleep…..we said goodnight. teddy, he is beautiful, the perfect combination of you and monet. i so look forward to watching him grow and being a part of his life, reading, singing to him. i hope i can earn the respect of a beloved auntie. always, aunt sue
~ 8/17/05
 from my sister diane: How lovely his garden grows!
~ 8/16/05
 Hi Dear Friends..... I had one of my students show me in class today how to work this gadget!!!!!!! I had drafted you and Monet a beautiful e-mail a few days ago, but it is lost in space some where.... so I will try to duplicate my thoughts. I thank you for sharing all the beautiful things....photos, poetry, and letters on your web page. It is so wonderful to see all the out-pouring of love to Sage and you both. It truly does "take a village" to raise a child today....and Sage is lucky to be in "our Joshua Tree Village." Sage chose you both for his parents, and he is really lucky to have chosen such beautiful and talented parents. I am so glad to share in your joy!!! If I can be of any help along the way.....please just call. My love to you three.......Thank You for the "ONE" bracelet and for the beautiful birth announcement. I can't wait to see your little miracle in person! Nurse Linda oxoxoxoxxo
~ 8/15/05
 a letter to d anyone can read: i wrote this late last night but the lightning knocked me off line... so here goes: i just got home from the storm at the beatnik. i do my radio show on sundays now. it poured and exploded thunder n lightning like crazy all of a sudden!! wild. i played elvis in memory of his death. (gospel of elvis, mostly. closer walk with thee, amazing grace, etc.) my sister diane and i were driving into san francisco and we heard 3 elvis songs, which you never did at the time on underground rock radio. we knew he was gone and we cried then and again the next day when we saw the window of 'chicken little' with a mannequin wearing a leather jacket, with a teddy bear next to it. that was just the beginning of all that corny elvis kitsch and impersonators and all, but when you hear him sing you realize, he really could. a band made up three marines showed up and wanted to play so i let them, they were called 'my fat wallet' which i told them i knew wasnt from being marines, that only halliburton and people like that got fat wallets. they were really good progresive jazz ala mahavishnu/zappa and did one cover of a tom waits song, 'blue valentine'. i told them to look on the cover for the name , 'little quinnie.' that's my sister, diane. also, i told them tom waits had blue paint in his fingernails the day they shot that album cover, with chuck e and rickie lee making out in the t-bird. also, about the time diane & i went to see him in berkeley and he did 'burma shave' with a whole cool introduction about elvis stopping in at his gas station and showing him how to comb his hair. today was wild too. i interviewed a guy on the phone who is facing six years in prison for protesting the war. SEE www.stpatricksfour.org. his name is danny burns. i wrote an article for the new freep about him. i'm going to do ongoing interviews with him called 'through these trials.' sign up now! (again, diane, on my mind, as her friend betsy first told me about danny's trials...) www.losangelesfreepress.com, for a newsletter, etc. then i introduced elia to sage and monet. elia is moving to houston to get her masters in fine arts from university of houston, stopping off in crawford to say hi to cindy sheehan and the other protesters outside the vacationing asshole ranch. everybody liked eachother although sage slept thru it all.it was heavy and sad to see elia leave but we kept it all very light. we're one year since we split up. monet said "why did you guys split up? you have so many mannerisms in common, obviously very compatible, etc." monet is very kind and loving. debbie winski made the big entrance at monet's moms by running over the water spigot and causing a flood of water. it was a good tension breaker. yesterday sage had his first outings, the produce market in the morning and arjuna's cd release/concert at water canyon last night. he slept thru both things, again, which i think was fine and he liked them both, too. he smiled thru both outings, as well. best thing was yesterday we were playing bob dylan and when 'mr tambourine man' was on i told sage that was my favorite song in the world and he nodded. so i asked him if he liked it too and he nodded again and smiled a kind of crooked elvis smile. he kind of reminded me of fred but everyone says he looks like me. ------------------------ in love & gratitude, ted
~ 8/12/05
SAGE AT TWO WEEKS is perfect. loving his mom and drinking plenty of her milk. last night he met negra. this morning they were face to face, each one curious about the other - but negra didn't het too close. i tried to grab my camera in time but before i could the moment had passed. the los angeles free press is close to making it's 'debut' as the new voice of against the war, for human rights (incluing the right to develop and evilve, psychologically, physically and spiritually, in harmony with the planet.) my baby is the most beautiful being i have seen. i wrote a new song and debuted it at the OM on wednesday, "hado: my son (won't be fighting in your war".) the film, "nowhere now (the ballad of joshua tree)" has a website with a trailer featuring victoria williams, eric burdon, gram rabbit and me. they may use a song fred drake and i wqrote years ago as the closing theme. ("little blue.") tonight i played another show with the thrift store all stars at pappy & harriets. countdown to the first sage festival, next saturday night. elia prepares to move to houston to get her masters in fine art frm the university there. tomorrow marks a year to the day we decided to go our separate ways, which sounds worse than it is. each of us is happily pursuing a destiny as it unfolds, with love and clarity. thank you sage, monet and negra for being there when i woke up and thank you travis and our many friends at the show tonight for a great end to another day in heaven.
~ 8/9/05
QUEEN OF HEARTS this morning my friend john pirozzi picked me up at 8am in joshua tree and drove me to debbie winski and elia's in l.a. while driving, we spoke of sage, our projects, good art vs sell out, how hot heads such as i, our dear fred drake, john's friend xan cassavettes may benefit from keeping our cool now and then, listening to eno 'another day on earth' and ry cooder 'chavez ravine.' i tried to do some errands in l.a. but the heat and traffic drain everything out of me after a night of only a few hours sleep. after a nap, i made a drawing for joe and joanna, of the bundle of sage in a baby's hands, a la picasso's flowers...dressed to the tee's, elia and deb and i get to joe and joanna's wedding, at a catholic monastery in the hollywod hills, where joe and i used to wallk many an evening in the early 90s, a bit late, but just in time to hear the honest, lovely sermon by the young priest joe calls his spiritual father, joe and joanna's heartbreakingly lovely vows, which evoked the aforementioned fred drake, the sequestered nuns singing from behind the altar, joanna's gigantic canvases lining the walls of the church...we 3 took ,communion and the blood of christ. i thought, why not. we're sin-free..i prayed to jesus, i don't know about my own faith but i know jesus has faith in me, please protect my child, his mother, elia, debbie, myself, these newly weds...debbie noticed a man seated a few pews ahead of us with a long ponytail, and i noticed his beautiful shirt...then the reception at joseph's cafe on ivar, where joe and i also spent many a morning, noon and evening, often on our way to work at the gaslight furthur down the street, often with fred, seated with ruben and angela, eloy and his daughter...each of our lives so full and interesting and reaching new plateaus as we walk our varied paths. a wandering accordion player, michael bolger, no known relation to ray bolger, the scarecrow of 'oz', but the same one who plays on the aforementioned ry cooder album, walking between tables, playing polish tunes for the bride and her mother, whose translated toast told that joanna's father in poland had said the man who brought the family three goats could have her hand in marriage...joanna's mom said that the reason her daughter had kept joe a secret from the family for so long was that she knew joe didn't have three goats (he has three guitars, i thought of saying in a toast i never made, except privately to joe..elia recalled a night in 2000 she and joe and petra haden were stuck in a motel room in albany, new york, joe pouring out his heart about joanna, elia telling him he could have her if he really wanted her...) gifts for each of the guests consisted of a cd of joe's music and a small watercolor by joanna, who is about to show her work in east berlin at the end of their honeymoon, to be taken there by an artist named monticello, the one with the long ponytail. monticello gave me his card. it was the queen of hearts, a painting he had done (and sage's birth card!!!) we spoke all night. he said some great things ( give yourself permission to heal,) too many to remember on so little sleep on such an amazing night, full of emotion, down to earth...a beutiful wedding day's night. tomorrow ruben and angela will cart me back to joshua tree, on their way home to new mexico. if i'm lucky, i'll see my little sage before i go to work at the beatnik OM to celebrate some other powerful, wonderful leo birthday boys, tal hurley and don lombardo... WWW.a2a-GERMANY.de
Hello Ted, We are Giusi and Roberto from Italy (do you remember?). We are very happy for your baby!!! Have a good luck! Ciao Ciao Giusi Chiara Francesco Roberto ------------------------------ "one day we will leave it all behind, we'll say it was just another time, we 'll say it was just another day on earth" brian eno ---------  photo: christine alicino ------------------------ HOMECOMINGS! Hi, Ted! I'm so happy to hear that Sage is HOME! :) :) I await the next update on nomadhouse! xxoo Fred PS The track "Just Another Day" was on endless repeat in my car all weekend! :) ----------- ted... your baby is sooo beautiful. thank you so much for including us all in the magical creation of this beautiful, beautiful boy. love always, ming ps. it's only 'card's and you already know... but i've 'never' see a better connection for a father with a son eight clubs/ queen hearts. and a mother with a son .... ten of hearts/queen of hearts. what a lucky, lucky boy to have such loving parents...and vice-versa. --------------------------------------------------------------------- My sweet little new brother Sage! I love you my sweet boy! autumn ------ tq... thinking about you three.....A LOT... sending so much love every day to you all so happy can't wait to see you so happy go sage you are my hero your parents are so lovely we are all so lucky i'm so glad you're my neighbor see you soonsoon!! all love, j.carrot (p.s. leo's rock!!! yeah!!!!) ------------------------------ How blessed an event This unconditional love That looks familiar In form and function The merging of two souls Into one A light So bright It changes the way we see Everything Forever. What great news! Congratulations! Sage is soooo precious and yummy! Many blessings to all! Linnie www.mylifeasagirl.com --------------------- what a beautiful little being of light...he is so amazing..and monet looks so lovely..I have been sending wishes and prayers out every day.. I can't wait to hold him...I am so looking forward to sagefest.... I love you 3 so much....xoxooxox judy ------------------------  HEy Ted. so ggod to see the pix of the Sage and family. you all look great. i caint wait to get home. things is good. happy and fun and rock and roll. here is some link that i thought you might like iis about ART the concept, not the man. hope you are getting enough sleep. sweet dreams, your pal. bingo http://www.banksy.co.uk/news/index.html see ya in a couple of weeks. ---------------------------- We wish the best for you baby and monet! - laura, mary, thom, james (sibleys) ------------------------------------
~ 8/8/05
Ted, What a light. I couldn't wait to show you. I will have the rest of the pics delivered on disk to you shortly. Happy mommies and daddies....and babies! Many blessings, Ronda -----  loving gratitude to aaron and ronda for their incredible support, to all of you who have made this first nine days in sage's life a raging success and a wildly beautiful happening...especially his mother, monet, who is glowing with her love for her baby boy, the tender loving care of all his nurses, gwen, jody, alyssa, melanie, and that nice ryan at the front desk of the nicu, with long red hair, lennon glasses & pictures of the beatles on his scrubs...thank you for sending us these angels, maria, who must have helped sabu at eisenhower cardiology (and whom he surely flirted with); dave, the sonogram guy who i remember used to take xrays of fred drake, binky's mom barbie, appearing as a nurse...so many gifts constantly. as robbi says, let us be the channels for the abundance of god (of your choice...sometimes i say, the universe, sometimes i say, great spiriit, sometimes i say jesus or buddha, sometimes, the mother...only because i know the 'real' name cannot be said by my tongue and its true face is in everything. most clearly, in sage's...) thank you for the dream: "the only way to get something to eat is by feeding the person next to you."  now i need to get to work, writing for the los angeles free press (sign up for the free newsletter NOW at www.losangelesfreepress.com); doing my webcast (radio free joshua tree - locally at the beatnik cafe - globally at www.beatnikradio.com, sundays at 8pm pst); preparing for the first sage fest (pappy & harriets, saturday august 20) and a few more shows up there in old pi-town (on september, on the 8th, 9th and 10th); fullfilling my obligations of recording (arjuna and his throat singing choir, and ray duff); preparing archival cd's 'live from the beatnik'; getting 'dog years' out there and working on the new album (with the tree!!) and above all else, remaining clear, focused and grateful for the incredible journey which has just begun, being the loving father of this beautiful boy named sage!!!
~ 8/7/05
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVING THOUGHTS...SAGE IS DOING PERFECTLY!!! his outer beauty is matched by his inner sweetness and calm... he loves looking around at everything and rarely cries...when he does, he sounds more like a little lamb or kitten...he listens attentively and he knows we're listening to him, too...  photo by mumu (momet's mommee) congratulations on this beautiful new gift into the world. much love jamie ----- Boy of mine, As your fortune comes to carry you down the line And you watch while the changes unfold And you sort among the stories you’ve been told If some pieces of the picture are hard to find And the answers to your questions are hard to hold Take good care of your mother When you’re making up your mind Should one thing or another take you from behind Though the world may make you hard and wild And determine how your life is styled When you’ve come to feel that you’re the only child Take good care of your brother Let the disappointments pass Let the laughter fill your glass Let your illusions last until they shatter Whatever you might hope to find Among the thoughts that crowd your mind There won’t be many that ever really matter But take good care of your mother And remember to be kind When the pain of another will serve you to remind That there are those who feel themselves exiled On whom the fortune never smiled And upon whose life the heartache has been piled They’re just looking for another Lonely child And when you’ve found another soul Who sees into your own Take good care of each other -Jackson Browne (i know, i know) congradualations teddy. (a little late, i know) Love, Your "other" son ---------------- Ted, Thanks for the update! One week is so great. My prayers and thoughts are with you, Monet and the little one even from a distance. M
~ 8/6/05
   My thoughts and prayers have been with all three of you. The channupa is getting an extra work-out this past week. All my love; Mitakuye Oyasin Joanne ------ START PLANNING NOW. JOHN LEE & ROSE TELL ME THAT IN KOREA, THE 100TH DAY OF A BABY'S LIFE IS A BIG CELEBRATION, WHEN OBJECTS ARE PLACED IN FRONT OF THE BABY TO SEE WHICH ONES HE GRAVITATES TOWARD (JOHN LIKED A PENCIL AND BOW & ARROW!!)- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH IS SAGE'S 100TH DAY!! SOUNDS LIKE A PARTY!
~ 8/5/05
 Namaste Ted, My dear friend Anahita noted today how perfectly named Sage is. She reminded me that sage is what the indigenous Indians inhale to open up their bronchial tubes and facilitate clearing of the lungs....... love love, Kripa    AT SEVEN DAYS, sage weighs 5 lbs. 8 oz. ( a little weight loss happens the first few days, but now that he's getting momet's milk , he's been putting on some extra grams. many thanks to nurse gwen for converting his weight from the metric system for me. it came along a little late in my education for me to really grasp!!) i was thinking about the prayers i said as a child... i don't think we'll make sage say these because they insist that we are all born sinful, which i don't believe, and that 'temptation' is 'evil', which i have come to think is a metaphor for a false separation of 'god' and 'nature' and 'man'. it may have seemed like a good idea to the kings in the middle ages who were subjugating their people in the name of god. but today, we know that jesus taught that 'the kingdom of heaven is in your hands,' (within us all and within all things.) still, i do feel that the name of 'god'(silence) is unknown to us, is hallowed, sacred, that the will of 'god' is done on earth as it is in heaven, that 'god' provides our daily bread with love and generosity, 'delivering' us from harm: our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. thy kingdom come. thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread. and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. amen. hail mary, full of grace, the lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, jesus holy mary, mother of god, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. amen. again, i have my doubts that the mother sees us as being born sinful and i would prefer to say 'the lord is within you.' but i absolutely feel that the fruit of 'mary's womb,' a revolutionary compassion and an acknowledgement of our oneness with 'the creator', is blessed... i always like this one that i heard later: lord, make me an instrument of thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. o divine master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. amen. (st. francis of assisi - 13th century) one of my favorites is yoko ono's song: 'mother of the universe' our mother who art of the universe, hallow be thy name. thy wisdom reign, thy will is done, as it is to be. you gave us life and protection, and see us through our confusion. teach us love and freedom, as it is to be. for thy is our wisdom and power, glory forever. for thy is our wisdom and power, glory forever. (1981) and, of course, bob dylan's 'forever young' may god bless and keep you always, may your wishes all come true, may you always do for others and let others do for you. may you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung, may you stay forever young, forever young, forever young, may you stay forever young. may you grow up to be righteous, may you grow up to be true, may you always know the truth and see the lights surrounding you. may you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong, may you stay forever young, forever young, forever young, may you stay forever young. may your hands always be busy, may your feet always be swift, may you have a strong foundation when the winds of changes shift. may your heart always be joyful, may your song always be sung, may you stay forever young, forever young, forever young, may you stay forever young. (1974) HAPPY FIRST WEEK ON EARTH, BEAUTIFUL BOY!!!
~ 8/4/05
robyn at pappy & harriet's asks: >> ..what is he like???? thanks for asking. he has really big dark blue eyes, a good head of dark brown hair and a cute little button nose and a perfect chin with a slight cleft and a small but perfectly shaped body...he is extremely attentive and looks at me or his momma right in the eyes when we talk to him. he dislikes all the tubes and IV's and tries vigorously to yank 'em out...but we tell him that those things re helping him and he goes with it...he loves a foot rub and to be sung to, talked to and lately he has discovered how much he loves momma's breast. he is an angel when he is relaxed , just dreamy looking. bliss. he likes to hold tight to my finger or momma's and he pees all over when you change his diaper if you're not ready. he is absolutely gorgeous and probably a genius, too! he is learning empathy and compassion for those around him because , although he has already experienced some suffering, he intuitively feels that others around him are suffering more than he is. did i mention that he is extraordinarily good looking? yes i may be biased but he really is!! all the nurses are flirting with him already and he is not quite yet a week old. he is going to be a revolutionary thinker and lover and he is already helping to change the world for the better. i'm really glad you asked, i am completely in love with him and so is monet. ps i got to kiss him a whole bunch tonight...i have never had such fun or felt so much actual heartfelt joy kissing anyone in my life, i mean it. i mean, i always loved kissing,,,but kissing his little head or his arms or his knees...heaven. he smells really good and his skin is softer than anything else in the world. (REALLY BIG thanks to all the people who have driven me to & from the hospital this past week: gary bowden, rana & ian, nurse linda, fred burke, sue bradley, laura ransdell & to all the nurses & the doctors & the people who have been praying, meditating, planting seeds, singing, breathing...) ----------------------------- Dearest Ted, so excited for you all that sage is drinking mother's milk & off all the scary tubes & things. I was breathing, burning sage & sweetgrass and sending thoughts your way, what a great reminder that our prayers do find their way. Can't wait to see you all - can't wait to come out to sagefest. I continue my prayers and especially that you & monet/momet are able to see and take in all of the resource that will surely come your way from all directions. Thank you for keeping us all in the loop on your state of being via the site. warmly & in a spirit of continued celebration, your friend & one of sage's many cool desert auntie's, Adriene ------- well thats wonderful news - the flowers on the alter are blooming into these larger beautiful yellow irises!!! i like to leave the alter setup for a few days after a healing ceremony like we did perhaps tomorow you can come by and get the flowers for Monet. the Gift of God is within him now all is well robbi ----- aaahh!!!!! <3 <3 <3 x o x tq --- Amritakripa wrote: > that is wonderful news!! quite the little teacher - > only on the planet a > short while and already reminding us to pay > attention to our breath!! > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "ted quinn" > To: "Amritakripa" > > yes, yes!! > > > > saturday, august 20 - sage festival > > > > thursday, friday, saturday. september 8,9 & 10 - > . pappy > > & harriets > > > > sagefest tq & tree will play about 20 minutes. > . also, > > amritakripa for 20 minutes. and tony mason band, too! > > > > the 8th is a long & full evening of music... > > > > 9th & 10 th we will play along with several other > > bands, so i imagine about 30 minutes each of those > > nights. those two nights the alumnae of camper van > > beethoven/cracker do their outdoor festival while > > we > > play inside. should be packed!! > > > > all love to you as well, ted > > > > ps sage's breathing is vastly improved and he is > now > > feeding from monet's breast!!! thanks to little > > bella > > asking: 'can i put the air on , daddy?' !!!
 Holy art Thou Lady of Air Who created the firmaments Holy Art Thou Lady of Fire Wherin Thou hast shown forth Thy Glory Holy art Thou Lady of Water Whence rose Thy Spirit, the Daughter of the stars Holy Art Thou Lady of Earth Who rejoices in all things, finding ecstacy in every phenomena
~ 8/3/05
   TQ We all prayed for our new little baby nephew/cousin last night and we planted his baby shower seeds. All our love to you Momet and Sage Di Jim Case and Jamal --------------------- I was there consciously breathing and sending love to Sage, you and Monet. one million more blessings to you, Shari ----- Heavenly Father, we come before you now..and bring Sage, whom You foreknew before the creation of the universe...hear our prayers..and please bring life and strong breath into this lovely child...Your precious creation. Thank You, Lord Jesus for loving him and loving us much more than we even comprehend. Thank You Lord, that have an awesome plan and purpose for the lives of Sage, Monet and Ted. Into Your Hands we commit. In Jesus Name and in Your Strong Love we prayer.. amen Karen & Michael --------------- Hi Teddie........... thanks for the update on baby Sage. I have been doing deep breathing and Qi Gong and sending the energy Sage's way.....I wanted to remind you of the qi gong exercise we did for the lungs........bringing the arms out chest level and capturing the qi energy from the mountains as we slowly bring it into the chest. You can do it for Sage.....Also.....if you get the opportunity to hold him, you can lightly tap with your finger tips over his upper back particularly the area over the lungs......this awakens the lung qi. I dropped off a copy of his natal chart at your door over the weekend and with that Gemini in the midheaven.......Sage will be known for his lungs (great singing voice I presume). My thoughts, prayers and energy is with you all. XOXOX Don --- last night, i got to do a breathing meditation at robbi, kripa and bella's. they had dressed up her altar with objects representing the four elements: water, air, earth, fire. we faced east, air. yellow flowers, yellow fruit. woodwinds. for sage to breathe more easily. throughout, the wind whistled through spaces in the windows like penny whistles ( i brought one - a feather wrapped in beads and a toy accordion). we said the wrd om three times and acknowledged the god in al things and our connection to all things. we spoke a prayer of forgiveness and of apology, on behalf of oursleves and our ancestors and all our relations. we counted 108 breaths, counting to four bretahing in, holidng and releasing. robbi spoke these words: hidden forces of the limitlesslight who establish the boundaries of the universe, we invoke thee in the all-powerful name of your creator (silnce, the name...) to seal in just orientation, the inner limits of this temple. may the secret virtues of the radiant truth be established on the thrones of our hearts. (we prayed to the divine mother of the four elements to fortify sage in four ways: air, for his spirituality; water, for his compassion and understanding; earth, for his physical body and fire, for his passions and desires...i asked for any karmic debt between me and sage to be cleared...) 'may all bings have happiness and causes for happiness. may all beings be free of sorrow and causes of sorrow. may all beings never be separate from the sacred happiness that is sorrowless...' midway through, bella came out from her room (she's six) and did two things she had never done,. first , she interrupted her daddy in meditation and second, she asked: 'daddy, can we put the air on?' out of the mouths of babes...was she asking for sage to breathe more easily on his own without help from the equipment? whatever it was, between all of the nurses, the doctors, the helpers, the prayers and the meditations... it all worked. when i left the hospital tonight, sage was at momet's breast, having his first real taste of milk, his breathing was calm and he no longer had a tube in his throat. thank you all for the heartfelt prayers and thoughts!!! good work... tq
 A hearty welcome to wee Sage, and congratulations to his parents for bringing him! So nice to get positive news of life and love among all the madness of the day.... I'll be in SoCal for a week later in August, in OC, my childhood home. If I am lucky I'll get to come out to the desert and see all 3 of you...two new to me! Peace and love and who needs sleep?, David Greenlee
~ 8/2/05
 dear friends, family & well-wishers- after a few rough days for boy sage, momet and i are VERY pleased to say that things are getting better and better!!! we hesitated to tell everybody that sage has been in the neonatal intensive care unit of desert regional hospital since a few hours after his birth on friday. we didn't want people to worry about a situation we felt was being well taken care of, and we decided to only report the positive news so that there would be no worry or sadness energy coming to him or to us. i apologize for the slight deception except we felt the best choice was to let him convalesce in a spirit of joy only. the problem had to do with the rate of sage's respiration. that created a situation where sage had to have an iv for feeding, oxygen in his nose, a tube in his stomach for removing gas and other yucky stuff. it also meant no mommy's milk and no food through his mouth for fear of causing more breathing problems. his breathing was very much labored for the first few days. well, last night monet had the idea that we should have a focused breathing meditation for sage and i thought we should invite a few others to join us. so last night i wrote an email to ask a few friends to participate. it seems that the intention, plus his work, the great staff of the nicu and the invisible helpers conspired to, by this morning, bring his respiration rate way down, so that by mid-day he was receiving his first taste of momet milk. by tonight, when the actual meditations took place, he was being completely weened off the oxygen and enjoying his third meal of real mommy milk. so, tonight, it's a very happy report, that sage is around the clubhouse bend, as it were. thanks to all the people who fcused prayers and meditation on him this evening. we know that your work had something to do with his beautiful improvement!! soon, we'll be able to take some pictures (who wants to have pictures taken when you're sick??), introduce you to him, etc. and we'll get to take him to one of his new homes, monet's and/or mine. there, we plan to make up for lost time with many kisses and lots of cuddling. love & gratitude, ted p.s. we hope he'll even be able to make an appearance at this: "fresh from the universe, direct from the source..." THE FIRST ANNUAL SAGE FEST what: los angeles free press, nomadhouse, rock-it-man records & the sunrunner presents the first annual sage festival when: saturday, august 20, before sundown to last round where: pappy & harriets outdoor amphitheatre, pioneertown, california who: amritakripa, brant bjork, honky tonk train, mark zero langille & tribe zero, tony mason band, ted quinn with the tree & wooden nickel, victoria williams & friends - hosted by shawn o'connor why not: to celebrate the arrival of sage andreas quinn-blair with full moon magic & music $5 admission (with a buck going to the albert williams fund) baby plus one parent get in free!
 HOW WONDERFUL A BOY!!!!! i just got in to my apartment in mexico to find out the exciting news. well done my true love!!!! you stud u. i have planed a gathering with a few friends at the rare cactus botanical garden under the magnificent sound hut at the auspicious time of 6 to 6:30 pm (mex time) to celebrate the arrival of young sage. film at 11 for sure. the news here from local astrologer ZuZu that HE is one dynamic leo as the planets have lined up for him...more later. All my love and kisses to You, dear Monet and just a baby cuddler...SAGE yourlovemachinehighinthemountainsofmexico (lovey)
~ 8/1/05
THANK YOU TO ALL THE WONDERFUL FRIENDS, OUR FAMILIES AND WELL-WISHERSsage andrea quinn-blair july 29, 2005 (the 210th day of the year; planetary hour: saturn; 4th hour of venus day;moon in 4th quarter; moon's motion:+12ş34'32"; moon is slow)joshua tree, ca 08:50:00 am pst zone: +08:00 116W29'21" 34N09'92" FIRE 5; EARTH 3; AIR 2; WATER 1 Crd 2; Fix 6; Mut 3 moon taurus 9th house sun leo 11th house mercury leo 11th house venus virgo 12th house mars taurus 8th house jupiter libra 1st house saturn leo 11th house uranus pisces 6th house neptune aqaurius 5th house pluto sagittarius 3rd house node aries 7th house midheaven gemini 10th house ascendant virgo 1st house - chart compliments of don risser - ----------------------------------- to joanne, for smoking the chanupa in sage's honor --------------------------------------------------- love calls from and love to: elia arce, debbie winski, ruben martinez, terry greene, joe garcia, don lombardo, denise fraser, linda sibio, adriene jenik, barnett english, aaron & ronda and john & rose, for taking negra on her daily walks with roscoe... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/01/05 and so it continues... tonight the dead arose to sing the songs of jerry garcia at the beatnik led by sunny sundowner, tal hurley, eric watkins, mark hughes, joined by clive wright, ray woods, shari elf (shari garcia/jerry elf?), sue bradley, don lombardo and yours truly... art kunkin said, don't forget owsley, with his shopping bag, or his girlfriend (that's right, women are smarter), the real chemist behind the magic... a special appearance by miss lola english, born june 20, 2005...daddy barnett walked in and handed her to me...the second small angel i had the privelege to hold in my arms in less than twelve hours...with mommy kris beaming, even after a long-delayed flight from australia, and at the start of a ten week tour, with gypsy girl l-o-l-a lola in tow... then this arrived, late tonight ------------------------ from chris and cyn goss: "we've heard of an angel named sage whose debut on the terrestrial stage, was applauded by thunder; mojave monsoon wonder a gift sent from heaven for magic's new age"-------------------------------------------- "we are the 801...looking up and down the radio, looking for a certain ratio"-eno --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAZEL TOV! I'm so happy that all went well. The Amma quote is beautiful and arrived at a moment when I really needed it. Love to you all, Martha ----------------------- what wonderful news Teddy, all my love to you and your new family. Hutch ------------------------------------------------------------------------ oooOoOoOoOoOooo, beau ti ful, beau ti ful, beau ti ful, beautiful boy. Eggsellent work, Kimosabe. May the road rise to meet his feet, or at least his little belly for now...BillyXXSTOBO ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Words cannot express ... you are now embarked on one of the most profoundly, important journeys of life. May the road rise for you, young sage, and monet. Yrs, Shawn ----- many, many heartfelt congratulations, hugs, kisses and prayers! hope photos will follow soon ;-) peace, kim --- dear ted, it's ... a really good thing, a wonderful thing, what Sage's birth is stirring up in me...! your baby is beautiful! and rarely blessed to have two CONSCIOUS people raising him! XOX Laura --------- WOW!!!! Congratulations!!! This is great news!!! We are so happy for you! Please give our regards to Monet and of course, Sage Andreas Quinn-Blair. He sounds like a star already! Much love to the three of you! Robert and Wendee ;~)) ---------------------- The most fantastic event has occurred. CONGRATULATIONS to you Teddy and to Monet and WELCOME to EARTH to Sage. Beautiful, wonderful news. WOW!!!! Biggest love to you all. -cxxxx (chrissie wilson) ------ and now a word from a rabbit: YEA! I bid you good pleasure and happy kindness today my friends. Hurray! ;-|trav -------